We accept Alibaba Trade Assurance Order and Bank Transfer for payment. Please contact us via email vapepenoutlet@gmail.com to quote freight after you placed the order. Thank you:)
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Located in the world’s largest manufacturing zone of electronic cigarettes Shenzhen, vapespens.com was established in 2018 with the simple purpose of providing worldwide customers with a wide range of ENDS disposable vape pens, ceramic coil vape cartridges, 510 thread vape batteries and smoking accessories, at factory outlet wholesale price with the lowest possible minimum order quantity.

Our main business is to build a solid supply chain that covers disposable vape, vaporizers, oil vape cartridges, vape pens, enails and smokeshop accessories etc. Being having strong connection with professional manufacturers and awareness of the newest products, we also provide white labeling and R&D service to help with customers' brand strategy. 

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